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How TRIO works

The objective of TRIO is to make life easier for our customers, we have outlined the process below in four simple steps.

The process has been designed to be as straightforward as possible. 




TRIO Subscription 


There will be no time- limited special deals or discounts for our TRIO Trilogy.

Our promise to our customers is simply that all of our recomendations will offer a tailor- made solution for your specific requirements at the best possible price,  regardless of the season, even on Black Friday! 


Why Choose   

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Business Meeting

Our Collective Expertise 

The Senate Group have vast experience in the successful delivery of specilaised security services throughout the UK and abroad. Our customers benefit from working with a unique team of  skilled, experinced and qualified professionals who are capable of effective teamwork and collboration. Their track record illustrates a capacity to form and nurture long-term, symbiotic relationships with customers.



Our company is privately owned. The owners are actively involved in the day to day  operation of the business and its strategic mangement.  There is a consistent focus on the delivery  excellence  throughout every element of the operation, driven from the top downwards,  with passion!

Senate  has a capacity to react urgently to customer demands and emergencies, with a minimum of beauracracy, with staff and customers having easy access to decision makers. All of our recomendations are based entirely on customer needs as we are not affiliated with any single manufacturer / supplier. 

Monitoring Room

Our Senate 

National Operations Centre

  Visitors to our NOC observe  that  it is unique, not just in the breadth of services that are provided within our NSI Cat II Gold Alarm Receiving Centre, but for the consistently high standards of service delivery and in the underpinning expertise and support from our team of security and risk experts - all on a 24/7/365 basis.

Our Team of Professionals deliver all pf the following services:

Intelligence reporting 

Workforce management

Emergency Incident Management





We are a 'One Stop Shop' for security system operation.  There are obvious benefits in purchasing all three services from one supplier, not just in terms of costs, but convenience,administration,  accountability, problem-solving, and so much more.


Cost Savings 

Whilst our 'stand alone' services have for many years, provided our customers with opportunities to make significant operational cost savings,  the potential to cut costs increases with a 'bundled' service subscription. 

Our objective is always to generate and maintain long-term relationships with our customers and therefore our prices reflect this. 



We will do whatever it takes to ensure that we deliver service that our customers can rely on. We always strive to work to the highest possible standards in everything that we do. We do not take our promise to deliver

'EXCELLENCE AS STANDARD' lightly. Our objective is always to look for creative ways to incorporate excellence into absolutely everything that we do. 

Security Cameras

Example - Trio Subscription 

 1. Installation of new equipment



2. Maintenance Plan



3. Monitoring services



Costs for 36 month Subscription :

20% deposit of £12,620 in month 1 

35 subsequent monthly subscription payments of £1,442


Costs for 60 month Subscription :

20% deposit of £15,700 in month 1 

59 subsequent monthly subscription payments of £1,064



Digital Calculator
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